Quantum Dynamics Tutorial
A Tutorial on Quantum Dynamics Simulations on Quantum Computers. Part I: Closed Systems
This tutorial provides a user friendly introduction to quantum dynamics simulations on quantum computers, suitable to a diverse audience. It covers the basics with hands-on examples gradually increasing in complexity. The tutorial is split in three parts. Part I focuses on closed quantum systems, using techniques like the Suzuki-Trotter expansion and sum of unitaries to integrate the time-dependent Schrödinger equation.

A Tutorial on Quantum Dynamics Simulations on Quantum Computers. Part II: Open Systems
This tutorial provides a user friendly introduction to quantum dynamics simulations on quantum computers, suitable to a diverse audience. It covers the basics with hands-on examples gradually increasing in complexity. The tutorial is split in three parts. Part II delves into of open quantum systems, using popular methods like the Lindblad equation that rely on the Markovian appoximation.

A Tutorial on Quantum Dynamics Simulations on Quantum Computers. Part III: The Generalized Quantum Master Equation
This tutorial provides a user friendly introduction to quantum dynamics simulations on quantum computers, suitable to a diverse audience. It covers the basics with hands-on examples gradually increasing in complexity. The tutorial is split in three parts. Part III focuses on dynamics simulations of non-Markovian open quantum systems based on generalized quantum master equations, using numerical approaches based on the Sz.-Nagy dilation theorem…